The 3VK65DF PowerFry5™ Fryer from Vulcan is an energy-efficient gas-heated three fryer system that is perfect for kitchens with a lot of deep-fried menu items. It has a large oil capacity of 65-70 lbs per fry tank and comes with a built-in filtration system. These fryers are highly efficient and are at the top of the ENERGYSTAR® qualification list. The FivePass™ heat transfer system from Vulcan ensures that heat is evenly and efficiently applied to the oil. Unlike other fryers, Vulcan's heat exchange system has two bends, similar to a sports car's exhaust header. This design allows for more heat to be transferred to the oil without increasing gas consumption. The fryer has a thermal efficiency of 78% and a cooking efficiency of 68%. Even when idle, it only consumes 4,802 BTU/hr to maintain the cooking temperature. The SoftStart™ ignition system gently gets the oil to temperature using only 35,000 BTU/hr at startup. The fryer comes with digital controls that allow for accurate temperature control from 200°F to 390°F. It also has two count-down timers that can be used for cooking with compensating time or actual time. The fryer is easy to use and has three melt modes, an auto-boil-out mode, and electronic ignition. To maintain the quality of the oil, the fryer has the KleenScreen PLUS® filtration system. This system uses a stainless steel mesh filter and can filter out particles down to .5 microns. Filtration is done quickly at a rate of 8 GPM thanks to a ½ HP pump motor. Cleaning and maintenance of the fryer are easy thanks to its stainless steel construction. The fryer also comes with adjustable 6" casters, making it easy to keep level and move around for cleaning and maintenance tasks. It includes twin fry baskets with plastic coated handles, a tank brush, and a clean-out rod. The fryer requires a total input of 240,000 BTU/hr and comes with a NEMA 5-15P cord and plug. Overall, the 3VK65DF PowerFry5™ Fryer from Vulcan is a highly efficient and easy-to-use fryer system that is perfect for commercial kitchens with a high demand for deep-fried menu items.